Dr. Steven Nutt: Voting Director SAMPE-LA / Faculty Advisor USC

Steve Nutt is the M.C. Gill Professor at USC and the founding director of the M.C. Gill Composites Center. He leads a research group devoted to understanding/developing sustainable processes for composites manufacturing. His research emphasizes defect control in prepreg and liquid molding processes for aerospace composites, and recycling and re-use of composite materials. He joined the faculty at USC in 1994 after 8 years on the faculty at Brown University. He is Associate Editor for Composites: A and J. Composites Science, a member of the SAMPE Board of Directors, and has published 300 manuscripts in academic journals. He has held administrative appointments as Sr. Assoc. Dean for Research, Dept. Chair for Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, and co-Director for Center for NanoImaging at USC.